The path to the top of the career ladder is certainly thorny and long. By default, it is clear: in order to make a successful career, you need to work effectively and constantly improve yourself. But if the secret is so simple, then why most of those thirsty for success will not be able to enjoy this stage, and give up trying to achieve what they want after a series of unsuccessful attempts.
First of all, it should be said that career is not determined by the number of successes or failures. However, you can make a contribution into your successful career by applying for help of cheap resume writing services. There are many cheap cv writing services but there is one in particular we would like to recommend you. Hire a professional writer to write your custom paper and this is going to be the most favorable purchase you ever buy.
What affects career success: resume writing advice
A successful career is a unifying concept consisting of a person’s skills, abilities and knowledge growth. It all starts with composing a resume and ordering from such affordable and highly professional service as, you will get a cheap resume in a blink of an eye. My resume will be perfect. Choosing me, they choose perfection.
A professional career can be developed both within one chosen specialization, and along the line of trans professionalization, when a person acquires additional skills and experience related to the expansion of not only the tools used near, but the field of activity as a whole.
In addition, career growth can be not only vertical (official), but also horizontal (advancement within a separate organization) and centripetal – advancement to the control center. When assessing the results of his work, a person should take into account not only how many people he manages, but also how important his opinion is in making decisions for the future of the company, and what knowledge (in comparison with the previous period) he already possesses.
Factors of a successful career
Surely, you have repeatedly noticed how colleagues or acquaintances who are in approximately the same starting conditions (education, experience, communication skills) end up occupying completely different heights.
The fact is that a certified employee’s career depends not only on himself (no matter how paradoxical it may sound), but also on the internal and external factors of the career, more precisely, on the ways of interacting with them.
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External factors affecting career success include
general (off-duty and non-professional relationships) – family, politics, culture;
special (professional) – personnel policy and patterns of personnel promotion, legal norms, working conditions. For example, no matter how talented a newly-minted employee is, personnel policy does not allow him to be promoted if the experience is less than 1 year.
There are also internal factors that affect career success
self-confidence, ambition, striving for leadership. Ambition can inspire someone, and an inspired person will not just lie in the right direction, but will approach the solution of production problems with enthusiasm.
professional knowledge and experience;
interest in new knowledge and experience;
human abilities and sphere of his interests;
health and stress resistance. Some are inferior to others, only because of the fear of failure. In individual situations (television, radio), they pay special attention to the presence/absence of defects in appearance or speech.
In contrast to the factors contributing to career development, there are those that slow down this process, change its direction and even completely inhibit it.
Among the factors that hinder a high-quality career, there are hindering and resisting factors. If the constraining factors directly depend on the level of a person’s internal resources (poor motivation, physical characteristics, lack of knowledge), then the employee is not always able to influence the factors of resistance. The most common examples of factors of resistance are competition from colleagues, as well as the fear of a leader that a subordinate may take his place.
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How to Build a Successful Career and Overcome Inhibitions
Activity. This does not mean that a person needs to work beyond his strength, trying to earn the title of “irreplaceable”. Indispensability can play a cruel joke when it becomes necessary to go on vacation or sick leave. Being active means getting ready for projects more thoroughly, considering and proposing more options, maintaining business communication, and finding new uses for the skills of your own.
There is no limit to perfection, and there is no limit to knowledge either. Even if it seems that you know everything about your work, keep learning, master related areas, information about which will help make your work more effective. In addition, you should not be afraid of horizontal advances (transfer to another department), perhaps it is there that there will be a chance to prove yourself and achieve the desired results.
Be tactful and considerate. No one likes arrogance and upstarts, so it is necessary to correctly express your point of view, trying not to provoke the anger of colleagues.
Learn to separate your personal life from work: avoid frequent phone calls with friends and family during working hours, and do not go into a personal discussion with colleagues. Watch your appearance. A potential leader should always look clean, neat and tidy.