While we have all been navigating these strange and channelling times, I wrote my second book, Corporate Social Responsibility is Not Public Relations published by LID Business Media, who are the fifth largest business book publishing house in Europe and am pleased to say that the book is available to buy on Amazon India. Now, more than ever, it is important for all types of businesses to have authentic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives that are not a publicity spin. This book demonstrates that CSR is the future of business.
The book contains 15 inspirational interviews with global thought leaders and entrepreneurs, including David Katz, CEO of Plastic Bank; Lois Acton, mentored by Anita Roddick, founder of the Bodyshop, Fred Huguez, who escaped the LA gang culture and Rusen Kumar, editor-in-chief and founder of India CSR Network, who all share their insights and thoughts about sustainability, and more. The foreword is by environmental journalist, Lucy Siegle.
Written during the global pandemic and set where the world is at a tipping point – climate change, plastic pollution, bush fires, disappearing forests and explosive conversations about diversity, and inclusion. The interviews within every chapter, along with the research, show there is international public support for business to do better and that CSR is driving investment. This is the time for all types of business to have CSR as the lifeblood for all their customers and employees.
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I have included a special chapter on India, as for too long the west has not given enough credit to the developing world for its commitment to CSR and sustainability. I also knew that a chapter on India needed to include the ‘voice’ of Rusen Kumar, the founder of India CSR Network. Rusen established this platform in 2009, well before, India decided to introduce a CSR Law in 2014.
Since, 2009 Rusen through this platform has been forging purposeful conversations around sustainable business news for Indian businesses.
In this chapter on India, we discover some of India’s pioneering brands who have been driving change for over the last 100 years. I have interviewed, Nandhiji, an Indian Yogi, who shares his wisdom about Yoga and how it stimulates a mind-set for sustainability. After all Yoga has been India’s gift to the world and is now a United Nation’s initiative.
This is both a timely and relevant book, and one that will stand the test of time as this is a topic that will continue to be high on the business news agenda.
CSR is now considered a critical part of a company’s performance and reputation and the book provides a clear outline of why and how to execute it, not just as PR. My book provides understanding and advice on how to align your CSR with your PR for greater credibility and business benefits.
Advance Book Praise
Sarita Bahl, recognised by Reputation Today in #Mighty50 in PR & Comms; Corporate Affairs and CSR thought leader; advocate, Mumbai, India: “A must-read book for those seeking to understand what meaningful CSR is all about as the world clings to a new normal in the pandemic. Sangeeta has crafted an enduring narrative that is heartwarming and at the same time hard-hitting. A book that will surely outlast the pandemic!”
Deepak Arora, one of India’s respected voices on CSR. A thought leader, specialising in public policy/affairs, rural development, enterprise development: “Good and honest fulfilment of CSR, is a necessary condition for good and honest PR. The book elucidates opportunities of leveraging and perils of confusing the two.”
Dr Jacqui Taylor CEO of FlyingBinary. An Expert Advisor to the United Nations, one of 2019’s 100 Global Leaders and the world’s first Smart Cities Tsar: “It is time for PR to contribute to the new CSR conversation about where we go next as we unlock the Isolation Economy. This book presents a compelling argument for that conversation to happen right now. Every organisation who has not already needs to reimagine their CSR actions from a sustainability perspective. This book is a great resource for that change.”
Joaquin Velazquez (Boston), Chairman of Entreps Global -International Board of Global Actors & Business for Sustainability-; Cum-Laude Researcher on Competitiveness, Leadership, and Success; Senior International Advisor & Member of the Board at the United Nations’ promoted UNGSII; and Vice-President of JEUNE: “Sustainable means: ‘still running and alive in ten years from now’, applying the same to businesses, projects, entrepreneurs, and also to policies and beings. CSR is instrumental to all of them, it is a no-brainer. This book, with its exclusive true stories of success, shows that sound CSR is not only easy to do, but also leads to business longevity when led by visionaries.”
Sahera Chohan, Former BBC TV Presenter, Author, Speaker & Leadership Coach: “The world is being required to wake up to the fundamental truth that we are indeed connected – separation and concepts of ‘I’, ‘Me’ and ‘Mine’ have got us into this mess. It is time not only to realize but to live the truth: that we are not separate from each other or from our planet. Perhaps then we have a chance to heal the scars of racial division and planetary destruction.”
Claire O’Neill, Co-founder and Director, A Greener Festival Ltd: “This highly engaging and on point book couldn’t have come at a better time. Modern society is in urgent need of change. Through inspiring vision and compelling narrative of the future we want to create we will find the energy to get there. So many important and powerful voices have been hushed due to fear of greenwash accusations, and so much motivation has been lost due to deceit and disappointment. For business to not only survive but thrive as a valuable contributor to society CSR must be genuine, and PR, when from a place of truth, can be the wind in the wings. Sangeeta writes from a place of such compassion and professionalism with a deep understanding of the fundamentals and the future for PR and CSR. A must read for any business owner.”
Daniel Hemsley, Founder of Unwrpd says: At UnWrpd every pound, dollar and euro consumers spend with us, is a vote for the world they want to live in. We give consumers the simplest means of pushing for a more sustainable future and we need more businesses like ours to drive this agenda forward; this book puts the how and why into context.”
Yosien Burke, Business & Sustainability Development in UK film & TV Production Industry: “It doesn’t matter what industry we are in; we all can do better. The pandemic has shown us how interconnected we are, where those brands with strong CSR values have been able to lead the way. Consumers want to engage with companies that have purpose – who are investing in the future of their communities and the environment. But it needs to be genuine! This book will help you find your way – how to do business better without the hyperbole.”
Chef Jainine Jaffer, 2020 Silver State Award recipient for Best Female Chef and Entrepreneur, Las Vegas: “During these unprecedented times, it is paramount for all businesses to thoughtfully redefine their core competencies, particularly their CSR commitments. If more corporations adopt meaningful CSR practices, this world will fundamentally become better, less wasteful, more productive – Sangeeta’s book helps to articulate the foundation of those principals with shining pre-and post-pandemic examples of who has got it right.”

(Sangeeta Waldron, Founder, Serendipity PR & Media. Author of Corporate Social Responsibility Is Not Public Relations, published by LID Business Media.)