Seminar on “CSR of Mining & Power”
Venue : Hotel Shreshtha, Raigarh (Chhattisgarh) Date: July 20, 2012 (9 am to 6:00 pm) For brochure please send a request to (99810 99555). Visit for full information.
INDIACSR News Network
NEW DELHI: Reiterating its commitment to provide a better life to the visually challenged, Amway Opportunity Foundation (AOF), the corporate social responsibility (CSR) arm of Amway India observed the 131 birth anniversary of Helen Keller in partnership with Bhartiya Netraheen Kalyan Parishad in New Delhi. AOF organized an unique solo dance performance by visually challenged students from the Bhartiya Netraheen Kalyan Parishad (BNKP).
The event was inaugurated by Chief Guest Dr. E.M. Sudarsana Natchiappan, Member of Parliament & President-Indian Society of International Law and started with outstanding and lively individual dance performances by the students of BNKP which caught every audience member’s attention and impressed them.

Commenting on the impressive and aesthetic performance of the students Dr. E.M. Sudarsana Natchiappan, Member of Parliament & President-Indian Society of International Law said, “AOF along with Bhartiya Netraheen Kalyan Parishad has done a great job by giving these children a platform to showcase their talent. This performance will showcase the world that nothing is impossible if one has the determination to do it.”
Observing the enthusiasm of the children, Mr. Sanjay Malhotra, Member – Executive Management Committee, Amway Opportunity Foundation said, “Helen Keller has always beena source of inspiration for all of us. Her determination to fight against the odds is a great learning on how to overcome challenges in life. Today’s celebration is AOF’s way of marking a small tribute to her work for the visually challenged people across the globe.”
He further added, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor even touched, but just felt in the heart.
These were the touching words of Helen Keller, who overcame her visual and hearing impairment to become an accomplished author, political activist and a lecturer. She is a role model to similar such people. AOF has done a great job by organizing this fun filled day in the memory of Hellen Keller. I salute these students who keep her alive with their extraordinary abilities.”
The day progressed with a brief address by special guests like Dr. Yoganand Shastri, Hon’ble Speaker, Delhi Vidhaan Sabha and Dr. KK Upadhyay, Head – CSR, FICCI Birla CSR Centre for excellence who motivated the visually-challenged students and praised them for their tremendous efforts.
The day concluded with certificate and gift distribution to students who performed during the event. AOF also handed over 25 copies of Braille script books published by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCPRD).
Bhartiya Netraheen Kalyan Parishad: Bhartiya Netraheen Kalyan Parishad is a registered NGO. It came into existence on 28th February 1996 with its registration under societies registration act. Right from its inception, it is working perennially and unhindered for holistic and all round development of the persons with special needs especially visually impaired.
Bhartiya Netraheen Kalyan Parishad has set up a goal of making each and every person with special needs self-reliant and instilling in him/her a feeling of self dignity, pride and aplomb so that all of them can be capable of associating themselves with national main stream and they can contribute to the development of nation. They are running a vocational training centre cum hostel for visually impaired girls at Ramavihar, Near sector-22, Rohini, Delhi.
These girls get computer training, candle making training etc. so that they can be independent in their future lives. At present there are 25 girls living in the hostel who are students of different colleges of Delhi University. All of them are being provided free food and lodging by Parishad.
Amway Opportunity Foundation (AOF): AOF is a registered non-profit organization looks after Amway India’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and has been actively associated with several projects dedicated towards child welfare across the country.
One of the biggest challenges in education of visually impaired children is to make books available in Braille, text or audio described format so that students can read themselves. Under the National Project for the Blind, AOF with its partners AICB and NAB has ensured making available Braille textbooks to over 85,000 school-going visually challenged children in 15 states.
The foundation has instituted 14 computer centers for excellence across India to help visually challenged students for education using Information technology.