Title of The Event : Amrita – Deakin International Symposium on CSR
Level of the event : International
Date of Event: 12-13 December, 2013
Timing : 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM
Venue : Amrita School of Business, Bangalore
Topic to be covered : Exploring various areas of CSR, such as: Understanding Stakeholder Diversity, Needs and Company Capacity Resources, Governance and Constraints, Impact Assessment, Addressing Sustainability
Key feature of the event : The symposium aims to bring together practicing managers, researching academicians, and global thought leaders together and to work intensively with them in small groups in discursive workshop format.
Contact Person : Mandy Lock (mandy.lock@deakin.edu.au)
Web address of the event : http://www.amritadeakiniscsr.org
Contact: Arun Krishnapillai, Assistant Professor, Dept of Commerce and Management, Amrita University