India CSR, the largest news network on CSR is organising Bengaluru Dialogue on ‘CSR Governance’ on January 31, 2020 in Bengaluru.
The dialogue will be moderated by Apresh Mishra of India CSR Network, Atul Sud of Perfetti Van Melle India, and Jyotsna Belliappa of Bluesky Sustainable Business.
The Dialogue will witness discussions on following:
1. CSR Governance framework – Compliance to law and beyond.
Accountability, Transparency, ethical behaviour, respect for stakeholder interests,
Discussion points : How important are these considerations?
- Strategy: CSR strategies and plans aligned to mission and vision statements.
- Policies: CSR policies (including Codes of Conduct) and management systems; compliance with policies, commitments and regulations
- Integrating CSR into the company Code of Conduct / Ethics.
2. CSR Governance and Leadership
National Guidelines for ResponsibleBusiness Conduct recommends:
CSR Leadership categorized as Essential” and “Leadership”. While the Essential level is expected from every business that has adopted these Guidelines, the Leadership level is expected of businesses which aspire to progress to a higher level in their quest to be socially, environmentally, and ethically responsible.
Discussion Points:- How do you measure performance on these indicators.
- CSR Report: Determining overall scope of, provide input on, and recommending board adoption of CSR report.
- CSR Inspection: Review implementation and impacts of CSR Projects
3. CSR Governance and Brand Risk
- Risk Management: Monitor and oversee CSR risk and opportunity management plans; review effectiveness of CSR issue identification and management.
- Stakeholder Engagement: stakeholder views on the CSR project- feedback and engagement. To what extent will they influence your project – sphere of influence concept.