NEW DELHI: Education is the most important lever for social, economic and political transformation. A well-educated population, equipped with the relevant knowledge, attitudes and skills is essential for economic and social development in today’s society.
Education is the most potent tool for socio-economic mobility and a key instrument for building an equitable and just society. Education provides skills and competencies for economic well-being.
Research from around the world highlights the importance of early childhood education, and suggests that high-quality early childhood education may have the highest long-term returns in terms of improved human development.
The Government has thus, accorded high priority to universalising pre-school education and improving school preparedness —especially for socially and economically disadvantaged children.
Keeping in mind the aforesaid mandate, AICL, while adhering to the provisions of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy undertook the project RISE.
The project sought to address the national concern of school dropouts and low learning levels amongst the vulnerable groups of children enrolled in elementary schools in slums and rural areas and provided remedial education facilities to 500 educationally deprived or backward children at Deoli and Tigri villages in Sangam Vihar, Delhi.
Considering the importance of ‘education’, coupled with successful continuation of project RISE, AICL replicated project RISE in the poverty-stricken slum areas of villages Rani Khera and Ghevra Sawda of North-West Delhi, thereby serving the migrant and ignorant community worst affected by learning deficits.
Through the initiative, 500 more children from villages Rani Khera and Ghevra Sawda and neighbouring villages, who do not attend schools regularly, being engaged in rag-picking, labour jobs or wasting time in petty works are mobilized and remedial education facilities through establishment of 10 community based learning Centres for a group targeting 50 students to be taught through innovative project based learning methods following a multiple reinforcement approach which is a proven model for teaching poor and educationally backward children to improve their performance in studies.