No matter what some people might say, going to college is worth every penny spent and every effort made. Going to college and getting higher education means not only better career opportunities but also important life experiences and personal growth and development. The latter two are as important as the formal status of a college graduate as they boost self-esteem and teach important lessons of persistence and introduce oneself as someone who is worthy of a certain job. Still, when it comes to actually choosing the college and majors, many students and their caregivers aim for higher salaries in perspective.
Setting Up for the Future
By choosing the major at your college, you’re not only selecting your study program but also make a much bigger step forward as, essentially, you choose your future occupation that way. So, choosing the subjects you’ll learn for the next few years just for fun or to please your parents are pretty irresponsible, to say the least. Whatever your friends or caregivers might say, the most important thing is to keep the balance between the potential of your major and whether you feel like studying those subjects or not.
Fortunately, lots of quite fun and well-paid majors often coincide, if you think about it. In the modern world, with all the digital technology available, nearly every occupation (and its corresponding major at college) is extremely dynamic and may even change radically by the time you graduate. That’s why studying at college is pretty fun even if you don’t party 24/7. As whenever you feel stuck, you can always take a look at the review of cheap writing service and get any challenge handled fast and easy for you. Now, here are some of the college degrees worth taking for their occupational potential as well as fun in studying.
- Computer science. Despite the growing number of specialists and students, this occupation has been one of the most well-paid and sought for since the 1970s and for a good reason. Computers and IT become an integral part of our life, so it’s no wonder why so many specialists are still wanted. With a potential starting salary of about $64,000, this major is more than worth taking.
- Aerospace engineering. With Elon Musk planning to colonize Mars within the next few decades or so and evidently succeeding so far, it’s pretty obvious that engineers designing all those fancy and affordable spaceships will be needed very soon and in great numbers. With a potential salary of $62,000, this occupation definitely has potential and is pretty interesting to learn.
- Mechanical engineering. If computers take over the Earth and spaceships take over space and other planets, we’ll need a more stable machine-powered manufacture for those spheres. That’s where mechanical engineers who design machines that produce other machines (and pretty much everything else) come into play. With an average starting salary of $62,000, such a degree has all the potential you need.
- Electronics engineering. Just like computers, electronics are all around us. With all the gadgets, devices, electric vehicles, and other technology getting higher in popularity and demand, this occupation does have potential. A starting salary of an electronics engineer is around $61,000 per annum, so the occupation is worthy of consideration.
- Chemical engineering. These guys are responsible for the development and further production of medicine, elements for electronics, and various other chemicals that are important to our lives. With a starting salary of around $69,000, studying chemical engineering can also be very fun.
- Nuclear engineering. Although this occupation can be quite dangerous, while renewable and environmentally sustainable energy takes turns, nuclear engineering will still be relevant for many years to come. With a starting salary of about $67,000, this major is certainly worth taking.
- Business analytics. Business analysts are people who observe business systems and learn what, how, when, and by whom something can be done with them to gain the most beneficial outcome. Business analysts make about $61,000 per annum as they start, with the salary growing along with their experience.
- Business administration. Covering quite a broad scope, BA can get you into the position of director, CEO, or private proprietor, all of which are highly paid occupations. The median salary of a business administration graduate can go up to $96,000 per year, which is pretty good.
- Nursing. While the role of nursing specialists seems to be secondary to that of the doctors, nurses are still in high demand as they provide invaluable assistance to medical practitioners. At the same time, the starting and average salary (which can reach up to $71,000 per year) do not differ much, making the occupation great for those who like to live at a steady pace and do good things in life.
- Marketing. No matter how our world progresses technologically, everything still has to sell. And that’s what marketing specialists do. With an average salary of $132,000 per year and quite a creative scope of work, becoming a marketing specialist is absolutely worth it.
All Occupations Are Important
Human society is a pretty complex mechanism, so any specialist of any occupation can play a vital role in human history someday. That’s why nearly every major, in fact, is worth taking as you choose your destiny and go to college. As you can see from the list, not only engineers are in high demand and are paid well. So, to conclude, it is worthy to note that the most important thing about getting a college degree is simply getting it. You may choose any occupation you like, and you’ll still get a career boost right after you graduate.