Getting a Term insurance is important for you and your family, but the premium amount acts as an obstruction towards getting it. Are you looking for term insurance? If yes, then you must know the factors based on which your premium varies, and they are:
Your age plays a vital role in determining the premium of term-life insurance. Compared to older clients, younger customers are less susceptible to deaths depending on life expectancy and statistics. That’s why, a younger person needs to pay a lower premium, whereas an older person needs to pay more.
Occupational risks
According to insurance companies, some occupations are considered riskier, compared to other professions. Suppose you are a skydiving instructor; in this case, you are prone to higher risks than a manager working in the office. Based on the occupation, you might need to take a risk that can go wrong, leading to a life-threatening situation. This is the reason why the premium varies depending on the occupation.
Weight and height ratio
It might seem unreal to you, but the term plan premium varies depending on your weight. The insurance company will note down your height and weight ratio, specifying the health class. People falling in the overweight category have a higher chance of health issues. The health issues can be risky, which is why the premium will be higher.
Smoking habits
A smoker is more prone to various health problems like cancer, lung diseases, etc. You might need to have a double premium amount depending on your health conditions in such a case. You can also alter the Term insurance premium amount if you have stopped smoking at least after one year.
Family medical history
Family health history is also checked by the insurance companies to determine the premium value. If your family member has any severe health issues, you are subjected to pay a higher premium value. This is applicable in case of hereditary health problems.
Health history
Health history plays an integral role in finding the premium of your term insurance. They will ask your health records to see if you have any previous medical risks. People suffering from any health issue will need to pay a higher premium. However, if a person is fit and fine, the premium value will be less.
Based on the gender mortality statistics, women have a longer life span compared to men. As a result, women need to pay a lesser premium compared to men.
Marital status
If you and your partner are availing term insurance together, the chance of saving is higher with a dual application. However, it does not alter the premium, but with time, there is a chance that your saving can increase.
Signing off
These small factors play a big role in determining the premium amount. Many people might have never thought that occupation or gender can also change the premium amount. But an insurance company will evaluate every parameter to determine the premium that you need to pay.