India CSR News Network
MUMBAI: Mumbai International Airport Private Limited (MIAL) released the 3rd edition of its Sustainability report – “The Sustainability Report 2016” based on the theme ‘Imagination is Inspirational’. The report was released to company officials and stakeholders by CEO MIAL R. K. Jain.
In conformity with the comprehensive model set out in the international G4 guidelines developed by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), including the sector disclosures for airport operators, the report delineates MIAL’s contributions and initiatives towards economic, environmental and social sustainability as well as strategies to drive the same. The report has been externally assured by Bureau Veritas Certification as per AA1000 Assurance Standard (2008) type 1 assurance.
MIAL, the first and only airport in India to put out a Sustainability Report in the public domain since 2012, aims to provide its stakeholders a glimpse of the progress the company has accomplished in realizing its economic, environmental and social objectives. Through the report, MIAL attempts to communicate the business impact as well as the risks and opportunities involved on critical sustainability issues such as Corporate Governance, Climate Change, Safety & Security, Environment & Health etc.
As a part of the company’s continuous effort towards good corporate citizenship, MIAL has put in steadfast and comprehensive efforts in realising its vision in environment management and sustainable performance. MIAL not only holds sustainability significant to the management of economic, environmental and social risks, but also associates it as the focal point of its business strategy. The vision, mission and core values clearly reflect company’s commitment towards its diverse stakeholders.
Key Highlights – The Sustainability Report 2016:
- 122 GRI Performance Indicators reported
- 31% increase in domestic passengers & 14% increase in international passengers as compared to 2012-14
- 11% increase in Air traffic movements
- 9% increase in cargo throughput
- ASQ score increased to 4.96 in 2015 from 4.66 in 2013
- CSIA rated as the World’s no 1 airport for 2015 in 25-40 mppa category by ACI
- Installation of 1060 Kwh capacity solar power plant
- 48% reduction in water consumption per million pax in 2015-16 as compared to 2013-14
- 41% decrease in carbon emissions per million passengers
- Airport Carbon Accreditation level 3- Optimization achieved in 2015
- Installation of Organic Waste Convertor of capacity 1 MT/day to convert organic waste into manure
- 40,640 man-hours of training to security personnel on security skill development
- CSR initiatives in the areas of Education, Vocational Training, Environmental Sustainability, Health and Sanitation.
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a widely acclaimed organization in the sustainability field. GRI has pioneered and developed a comprehensive Sustainability Reporting Framework that is widely used around the world.
Diligently serving in its role as a responsible corporate citizen, MIAL has demonstrated sincere commitment towards enhancing passenger experience, creating direct and indirect job opportunities, and contributing to the country’s economy.
GVK Mumbai International Airport Pvt Ltd (MIAL) is a Public Private Partnership joint venture between a GVK-led consortium and the Airports Authority of India (AAI). GVK MIAL was awarded the mandate for operating and modernizing Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai (CSIA). Through this transformational initiative, GVK MIAL aims to make CSIA one of the world’s best airports, which consistently delights customers besides being the pride of Mumbai. The new integrated Terminal 2 at CSIA enhances the airport’s capacity to service 40 million passengers and one million tons of cargo annually.
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