Mumbai: Tata Power, India’s largest integrated Company, has been immensely committed to the cause of sustainability and does so under its CARE programs in the area of Environment, Sociatal commitment, Bio-diversity as also Conservation of resources and values. It has always endeavored for sustainable development and has undertaken several initiatives for conservation of nature. In line with this philosophy, the Company has initiated various projects to address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and improve its status by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity. Today, Tata Power’s sustainable and conservation initiatives are active in all its areas of operation.
Aligned with the ‘Aichi Biodiversity Targets’ set by the international treaty, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Tata Power organises Biodiversity Awareness programs in all its plants, subsidiaries and local communities to build awareness around the various challenges of biodiversity. The Company has robust processes- like sustainable production and optimal use of resources- in place to ensure that its business activities comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Through programs like the Sea Turtle Monitoring Project in Gujarat, Tata Power abides by the Aichi targets of saving threatened species from extinction.
Since the past forty years, Tata Power has also been conserving the Mahseer fish in its hydro reservoirs, and helping in the reintroduction and stocking of Mahseer in many river systems of India through its world-class hatchery. Till date over 1.5 million fingerlings / fry have been supplied to state fisheries and nature clubs for release across the country, into waters where these fish naturally exist or existed. The Company’s Mahseer Conservation Program aims to conserve the endangered Mahseer species.
The Company has installed high efficiency air pollution control equipment in all its plants to maintain emissions below statutory requirements, and further plans to reduce pollution by producing 20-25% energy from renewable resources by 2022. Under its Afforestation Programs, in association with Maharashtra’s Forest Department, Tata Power has covered around 14,000 ha in the catchment areas of 6 lakes in the Western Ghats, where the company has planted over 18 million trees till date.
Commenting on this initiative, Mr. Anil Sardana, CEO & MD, Tata Power, said, “Sustainability as a practice is intricately weaved into every function of Tata Power in a way that addresses the interest of all its stakeholders and the society at large. Biodiversity is the cornerstone of our existence on earth and, being a responsible corporate citizen, Tata Power has always actively initiated integrated conservation drives.”
“We have aligned our green strategy with the Aichi targets because the said targets beautifully addresses biodiversity with a 360 degree approach, and serve as a flexible framework for the establishment of national and regional targets with measurable results.”, he further added.
Tata Power is also enabling a Sustainable Agriculture Program through its imitative Samridhi that targets local landless labours and marginalised farmers in Maharashtra to promote appropriate technology, which would help communities to improve their livelihood and earnings. To restore and safeguard ecosystems that provide essential services, the Company’s Gaushala project has reduced heavy dependency on already parched grazing lands in the villages, and has initiated massive plantation drives in the catchment areas.
Tata Power believes that ‘sustainability’ as a practice is nothing but continued organizational and technological innovation that reaps both bottom-line and top-line returns, without depleting resources. With this initiative, the Company has embarked on a green highway to safeguard and promote biodiversity, and generate revenues from ‘cleaner’, more efficient technologies.