Udhampur: District Development Commissioner (DDC), Piyush Singla assigned development works of over Rs 40 lakhs to various units for the betterment of the community around IID Battal Ballian under CSR and asked the unit holders to come forward to mitigate the sufferings of the locals around the industrial estate.
Civic Development works under corporate social responsibility (CSR) were sanctioned on 7 Jul to provide adequate facilities to the locals in Battal Ballian Industrial Estate region.
In this regard, Singla held a meeting of industrial association and officers of concerned departments and encouraged the officers to work and provide enhanced facilities to the industrial estate. He also stressed upon the unit holders to maintain cleanliness and adhere to the pollution control norms to avoid any health problems. He also asked them to ensure proper disposal of industrial waste and carry out plantation to uplift the surroundings.
The works include the construction of lane/drains, bowlies, passenger sheds, afforestation, besides providing financial assistance to the poor. He urged the unit holders to complete all these works within three months.
The DDC also reviewed various logistics like water-supply, power, road- connectivity available to the manufacturing units in the industrial area.
Earlier, General Manager DIC, Suram Chand Sharma gave a brief description of the industrial scenario in the district.