UDAIPUR: Though just 15% of the households in the city are connected to an underground sewerage system, yet Udaipur stands above the national average in other parameters related to sanitation and cleanliness.
“Against the national average of 81%, in Udaipur 94% of urban households have individual toilets and 77% of these have septic tanks” said Shubagato Dasgupta, senior fellow at Centre for Policy Research (CPR) New Delhi, the country’s oldest independent think tank to advise the government on various policy matters.
Dasgupta was addressing a seminar on ‘Building partnerships for clean Udaipur’ held at the Udaipur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Uhere on Saturday.
In tune with the Swachh Bharat mission, the seminar was organized to bring various stakeholders from the government, civil society, academia, industry on a platform to create a common agenda for Swachh Udaipur. “There is a shortfall of community toilets as the data from the survey indicates only 1.6% public toilets in the city whereas the national average is 6%,” Dasgupta said.
(Times of India)