Hyderabad, Telangana (IndiaCSR): S M Sehgal Foundation, in collaboration with DCB Bank and NIRDPR (National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj) as the knowledge partner, held the third conference of ‘Jalagam’, the Capacity Building and Experience Sharing workshop series in Hyderabad, Telangana, on January 23, 2024. Ms. Anjali Makhija, Trustee & CEO, S M Sehgal Foundation inaugurated the workshop, together with Gaurav Mehta, Head Public Relations, Marketing & CSR, DCB Bank, emphasizing on the need for mutual learning. The workshop was graced by Dr. G Narendra Kumar, Director General, NIRD&PR who elaborated on the scope of water management policies and highlighted the role of training and capacity building in enhancing water efficiency within communities. Mr. Krupakar Reddy, Engineer in Chief, Rural Water Supply, Telangana, gave a snapshot on the government policies in the area and their benefits.

The first-panel session led by Ms. Srivani Mullapudi, Founder and Chairperson, Wishwa focused on technological solutions to promote water security at the grassroots. It featured various grassroots champions and village leaders, including Rajesh Rangarajan, State Program Director, Water Aid, Jala Sathyanarayana, Hydrogeologist, Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board, Ramkrishna Mukkavilli, Founder & Executive Director, Maithri Aquatech.
The second panel, which explored models of viable community-led solutions for ensuring water security, was moderated by M V Ramchandrudu, Former Director of WASSAN. Women Gram Panchayat members, Ms. Kavitha Jeevan, Sarpanch Nunthakal, Ms. Gadge Meenakshi, Mukhra, Adilabad, and Ms. Chitla Swarupa Rani, Sarpanch Nellutla shared their on-ground experiences of driving water security in their villages. Their efforts have garnered widespread recognition, including the prestigious President’s Award.

The day was further enriched by the recital of the Water Pledge ‘Ela Nela’ performed by Mr. Ramu Jogi and a group of farmers.
The concluding panel which focused on ensuring rural water security and climate change resilience from a multi-stakeholder perspective, was expertly moderated by Lalit Mohan Sharma, Principal Scientist, S M Sehgal Foundation. The panel featured esteemed speakers including Dr. Ramesh Sakthivel, Associate Professor and Head, Centre for CSR, NIRD&PR, Dr. Shakeel Ahmad, Chief Scientist (retd) CSIR-NGRI and Prof (retd) MANUU Hyderabad, and Dr. Jayati Chourey, Executive Director, SaciWATERs.