Tata Technologies, an engineering services organization was conferred with the CSR Awards 2019 by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
‘Ready Engineer’, a Tata Technologies flagship CSR program got “Honorable Mention” in the category “Corporate Award for Excellence in CSR” with CSR budget Rs. 1 to 9.99 Crores.
Over the last several years, Tata Technologies has invested in many programs aimed at developing the students of today into the star technical professionals of tomorrow.
This mission was driven by the understanding that although industry and academia are inextricably linked, they are not always aligned often operating in isolation of one another. The understanding and large implication of this issue laid the foundation for the flagship CSR program, ‘Ready Engineer’.
With a clear objective of making engineers across the country- ‘Industry-Ready’, this initiative supports engineers by providing them training on industry-relevant tools and application-based technologies.
Warren Harris, CEO, and MD, Tata Technologies said “Tata Technologies has been relentlessly working in the area of skill development with an intent to develop, nurture future engineers and mitigate the existing skills gap crisis.
This program was built on our core principle of engineering a better world in which we are not only striving to build better products for our customers but are also working towards building a sound ecosystem in which we operate.”
He further added, “We have been successfully running this program for the last 8 years covering 10,000 students. We don’t just want to make them employable for the industry but also empower them to take up entrepreneurship. Additionally, to increase the program’s reach to the students in more number of cities, we have converted all the course content in digital format to suit the students in Tier 2 and 3 cities.”
The program also establishes & supports the innovation ecosystem, facilitates industry interactions and provides soft skills courses for overall development. As part of the MoU signed with the colleges, an important aspect of community development has been introduced to the sponsored students wherein they help develop the capacity of communities around in their field of choice.
It further continues to get requests from prominent autonomous colleges to make the course an elective subject, one such example being DBATU University.
Many Ready Engineer participants have also joined Tata Technologies and are now helping the company to engineer a better world.
The program includes 40-50 hours of hands-on, classroom training led by Tata Technologies volunteers that highlights the ins and outs of the automotive industry and how computer-aided design technologies are used in the product development process.
Every Ready Engineer student is also given a free login for i GET IT, Tata Technologies’ eLearning platform exclusively for engineers, so they can brush up on their skills outside of the classroom.
After the program, students who pass the assessment receive a ‘Certified Ready Engineer’ certificate. So far, over 10,000 students in 35 Engineering colleges have undergone the Ready Engineer course work in the last eight years and more than 2000 students every year undergo this training.