INDIACSR News Network
JAMSHEDPUR: A symposium to deliberate on ways of predicting, preventing, controlling and suitably treating failure of material objects was organized by Tata Steel and National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur. Speakers from premium academic institutions, research laboratories and industries of India were invited to speak on various aspects of structural integrity, for instance, developing new materials with better resistance to fatigue and fracture, selection of right material for a component and designing components against failure.
The speakers were from IITs, IISC Bangalore, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Tata Motors, Automotive Research Association of India, Pune, National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur, National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, Research and Technology Division of Nissan – Renault, Chennai, Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, General Motors R&D, Bangalore, Tata Technologies, Pune and Tata Steel Ltd. The speakers touched upon a wide range of applications e.g. automotive, construction, defence and aerospace.
Today, scientists, designers and engineers are working relentlessly to ensure safer, stronger and reliable structures capable of withstanding any eventualities. There are efforts to design lighter fuel-efficient cars which are crash and dent resistant. There is endeavor to erect buildings which are resistant to earth-quake or even explosions. To keep pace with these unprecedented gamut of activities, need was felt to create a common forum where scientists, designers, academicians, researchers, engineers and students can come together, share their works and experiences, exchange ideas and learn from each other. This is how FFIA started as a joint effort of Tata Steel Ltd. and NML, Jamshedpur around a decade ago. Since then, FFIA has been organized three times with great success.
The symposium was a great learning experience. FFIA-2012 was divided into theme-based sessions and a special session for presentations by students and young researchers. The technical sessions was followed by a panel discussion to summarize the state of the art to make this world a safer, stronger and more dependable place to live.
The inauguration of the symposium FFIA-2012 was jointly done by guests of honour Mr Varun Jha, Vice president Engineering and Projects and Dr D Bhattacharjee, Group Direction, Global RD&T, Tata Steel. Mr N Rajesh, Chief, Cold rolling Mill also graced the occasion. At the onset, Mr. Mark Denys, Chief of R&D and Scientific Services and Chairman of FFIA-2012, delivered the welcome address to the gathering. Over 100 delegates attended this symposium. In his inaugural address, Mr Jha said “materials and structures can only fail by fatigue and fracture. I am happy to see this gathering of metallurgists and materials scientists, civil and mechanical engineers to discuss this very pertinent issue.” Mr. N. rajesh also expressed their views in the occasion and wished the even to be a great success. Dr S Tarafdar (Co-Chairman, FFIA-2012) of NML described to the audience how FFIA started and elaborated its major objectives.