EuroSchool, a leading network of K-12 schools with 15,000 students in 6 cities, collaborated with Habitat for Humanity, an international NGO engaged in several social upliftment projects for underprivileged sections of society. This Christmas, the EuroSchool students in alliance with Habitat have decided to bring joy to Covid-19 affected families in across the country. 8 EuroSchools have come together over a period of 45 days to raise a commendable amount of Rs 32 lakh funds as a part of this initiative.
Rahul Deshpande, CEO, EuroSchool Group, said, “The cornerstone of our pedagogy is “Holistic Development” which gives equal importance to the academic and non-academic curriculum to our students and we encourage our students to participate in community development. In this journey of a well-rounded education, children are guided through programmes that focus on ‘mindfulness’ and ‘social-responsibility’.”
Habitat for Humanity India guides and mentors students for crowdfunding through Habitat for Humanity Young Leaders Build (HYLB) Leadership Academic Training and Train the Trainer programs.
Habitat for Humanity India’s Managing Director Mr. Rajan Samuel said “Through our small yet concerted efforts, we have been able to take forward our collective mission to provide dignity in living to the vulnerable section of the society. Our partnership also enabled EuroSchoolers to gain hands-on experience in crowdfunding and has allowed children to not just raise funds but ‘project-plan and map’ to get a first hand experience on the projects they supported.”
Students under the program are given a chance to choose a project they wanted to promote and raise funds for the same. All top fundraisers will be given Asia Pacific Volunteer Certificate and letter of reference for global universities under Habitat Young Leaders Build program. The project includes supporting communities to build strength, stability, self-reliance and resilience amidst the global outbreak of COVID-19.
The partnership aims to help vulnerable communities through crowdfunding with clean water and sanitation, enhanced vocational and educational opportunities. This opportunity will bring leadership qualities in students and transform their life forever. It will also add value to their academic skills.