IndiaCSR News Network
NEW DELHI:The Minister of State (I/C) for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan chaired the 14th Trust meeting of the Indian Oil Foundation (IOF) held on 10th June 2015.
All on-going projects at 5 sites being undertaken by IOF were reviewed. Pradhan stressed on timely and expeditious completion of the projects in close collaboration and co-operation with Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and National Cultural Fund (NCF).
Two new sites – Rani Ki Vav in Gujarat and Swatantra Jyot in Andaman and Nicobar were adopted during the course of the meeting.
It was decided that IOF will also adopt non-ASI sites. Identification of such sites should be completed in a time-bound manner.Pradhan stressed on the need for proactive adoption of social media for disseminating the work of the foundation.
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