KBS Certification Services Limited

KBS Certification Services Limited

KBS Certification Services Limited is the first company in India to achieve the Designated Operational Entity (DOE) status from the UNFCCC back in 2011. In fact, it is one of India’s oldest and leading certification and assurance providers in the fields of Quality, Health, Safety, Social, Environmental Management and Climate Change.

Founded in 2005, KBS Certification Services Limited by the virtue of its seasoned, experienced and technically nuanced team spread across the World has played a pivotal role in the implementation and evolution of policy and action under the Kyoto Protocol and the concomitant transition to Paris Agreement.

Over the last two decades KBS has strived to remain at the vanguard of Climate Change Mitigation, Certification and Sustainable Development Services emerging as one of the loudest voices from the Global South.

The Organization has been providing impeccable independent third-party assessment services in diverse areas of Management System Certification, Climate Change and Sustainability Services (Validation and Verification of Carbon Projects), Training, Third Party Inspection, Energy Audit, ESG Reporting, Assurance, and Product and Process Certifications.

KBS’ claim to fame has been the vast expanse of work that it has done in the field of providing assurance for Carbon Offset Projects both in the Compliance and Voluntary Carbon Markets. The Organization’s work spans across all the 7 continents in over 40 countries where it has validated/ verified over 2500 Carbon Offset Projects stretching from Southeast Asia to Latin America and the United States of America. Quick turnaround time without ever compromising quality has been the Organization’s USP since inception.

Noteworthy is the fact that when the Carbon Markets crashed and big consultancies/ auditors shut shop overnight back in 2012 and 2013, KBS was the only Designated Operational Entity (DOE)/ Validation and Verification Body (VVB) to have stood the test of time without any layoffs, owing to its credibility and continuum of business.

The Annual Synthesis Report for 2019-2020 published by UNFCCC credits KBS with the fact that it outranked all other DOEs successfully undertaking the highest number of total Verification/Validation Project Activities/ Programme of Activities despite the rush owing to expiration of Commitment Period 2 for Clean Development Mechanism while also grappling with serious limitations posed by COVID 19 pandemic. This is a testament to KBS’ efficiency and tenacity.

Notably KBS Certifications Services Limited is accredited by NABCB for ISO 14064-1; ISO 14064-2; ISO 14065; ISO 17029 among other standards.

KBS Certification Services Limited’s comprehensive range of services also includes methodology assessments in waste management, forestry, and agriculture, third-party inspections, energy audits to reduce environmental impact, and training programs for auditors and implementers.

KBS Certification Services Ltd. is accredited/approved for nearly all sectoral scopes by prominent registries/ GHG Crediting Programs such as the CDM, Gold Standard for Global Goals (GS4GG), VCS, CCB (Climate, Community & Biodiversity), SD Vista, Puro Earth, Global Carbon Council, BioCarbon Standard, Social Carbon, Open Forest Protocol, JAZ-ANZ, JCM, EIAC, NABCB, CERCARBONO, UCR, Plan VIVO, ICR, ISOMETRIC, Global Emission Standard, and COLCX among others.

Notably KBS has also been approved as Validation and Verification Body for International Emission Reduction Projects and Programmes (under Article 6.2 Mechanism of the Paris Agreement) by the Climate Division of Federal Office of the Environment (FOEN), Government of Switzerland.

Zero Appeals, Complaints and Disputes pertaining to Audits, Validations and Verifications of Carbon Projects has been the Sacrosanct Operational Standard that KBS has maintained all through. 

Some of Organization’s esteemed Global Clients are Allcot, South Pole, Delhi Metro, IOCL, Eni SpA/ Eni Plenitude, Green Development AS, CO2 Balance, Rivulis, Future Carbon Holding S.A., Raizen Power, Gaia Climate Finansal Danışmanlık ve Ticaret A.Ş, Aditya Birla, Adani Airports Limited, Atmosfair GMBH, E&Y among several others.

KBS Certification Services Limited strongly believes that Service Delivered is as good as the Competence of the Service Provider! By the virtue of Best Brains that comprise the Organization’s Global Team, it possesses the required exposure and experience to service its clients with unmatched quality and shortest turnaround time.


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