PATNA (India CSR): In collaboration with Georgia State University, a two-day international conference on “Public Policy and Management” was organized at CIMP. It was inaugurated by Brijesh Mehrotra, Chief Secretary of Bihar who joined as the chief guest. He spoke on the good governance model of Bihar and emphasised on sustainable development that can be achieved with a participatory approach by including each and every stakeholder of the society. The conference’s theme is “Promoting good governance and Local Development in Bihar and Beyond: The latest scholarship and practice”
Prof. Charles Hankla from Georgia State University talked about the various work related to public policy undertaken by the international centre for public policy of Georgia University, Atlanta, USA. Prof Anjali Thomas also talked about Georgia Institute of Technology presented her research work on Bihar related to local governance.

It was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Sudhanshu from Bihar Institute of Public Finance moderated the discussion. In the session, Alankrita Pandey, DM, Jehanabad talked about the integrated Hospital Management system (BHAVYA) and the changes brought in the health system using LMS. DM Banka Anshul Kumar discussed the challenges and success stories in the health sector in Banka.

A woman Mukhiya from Bhojpur district also shared her challenges relating to ODF and OSR. The session was very lively. In the evening session, Dr. Debraj Bhattacharya from Azim Premji University presented challenges and gave suggestions for local democracy in Bihar. Prof. Yugank Goyal, Flames University presented an interesting case study on Electoral competition and representation in Bihar. Many research scholars and faculty members attended the first day of the conference.

In tomorrow’s sessions, there are many exciting research papers on issues like poverty alleviation, health, energy security, sustainability, and agriculture. A special session is also dedicated to entrepreneurship in Bihar, where the panellists from various corporate houses will participate. ACS, Govt of Bihar, Dr. S. Siddharth will also deliver a special speech tomorrow in the conference.