Sodexo, Stop Hunger, and Sulabh International will work together to empower women by promoting food sovereignty and financial independence.
NEW DELHI: World leader in quality of life services, Sodexo in India, deepens its commitment to corporate responsibility by joining forces with leading Indian NGOs in the food space to end hunger, educate women, and reduce carbon footprint.
In the region of Bolangir and Ganjam in Odisha, the partnership with WFP Trust of India will focus on addressing malnutrition among children and pregnant/lactating women through the Integrated Child Development Services scheme. The women of the community will form self-help groups to manage and distribute the Take Home Ration production centers, which will be trained and capacity-built on topics such as nutrition and malnutrition.
Sodexo’s STOP Hunger Trust Fund in India signed MoUs with Sulabh International, India Food Banking Network, Dyansadhana Education Society, and WFP Trust for India, to further its CSR initiatives in the country.

Sodexo, Stop Hunger, and Indian Food Banking Network will distribute over 2,000 food and ration kits to orphanages, old age homes, and other needy locations, to eradicate hunger and ensure food security. The ongoing partnership has already served over 78,000 people from underprivileged families by distributing 169 tons of essential groceries.
“Our goal at Sodexo is to make a responsible impact and help create a better future. That’s why we have strengthened our partnerships with leading NGOs in India to eradicate hunger and food insecurity, empower women, and reduce our carbon footprint,” said Sambit Sahu, Managing Director of Sodexo India.
“Through STOP Hunger, we have been supporting key developmental projects worth INR 20 million in India, and our aim is to positively impact the lives of 20,000 beneficiaries by 2025,” added Ashwin Bhosale, Director of HSE & Corporate Responsibility at Sodexo India.
Sodexo, Stop Hunger, and Sulabh International will work together to empower women by promoting food sovereignty and financial independence. In the last year, the partnership has already helped over 1,100 women farmers in Maharashtra, and in the next three years, the plan is to educate over 1,000 women on best farming practices and provide required infrastructure.
Sodexo and Dyansadhana Education Society’s Rishi Valmiki Eco School will sponsor the school fees for 273 girl students, enabling their education and uplifting in underprivileged communities.