MUMBAI: Firefox Bikes have hired Persons with Disability in their own workforce and will continue inclusive and diversity hiring across the organization this year.
Firefox Bikes will conduct EverydayAbility events across Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Delhi.
To motivate partners, dealers, and other corporates to consider inclusive hiring, Firefox Bikes has also introduced hiring practice training and process changes necessary for diversity hiring at the workplace.
It recently organized a wall-climbing activity at Arun Samant Climbing Wall in Goregaon, Mumbai, which witnessed the participation from Firefox riders and Persons with Disability performing adventure sports together. This initiative is the first of six events planned through the year 2018-19 as part of Firefox Bikes’ CSR program.

Firefox Bikes hopes to facilitate both systemic and individual change – for greater participation of PWDs in regular workforce. In its second year, the campaign continues to dispel misconceptions surrounding Persons with Disability (PWDs), proving that disability is not an impediment to adventure.
EverydayAbility hopes to build an ecosystem grounded in the principles of dialogue, acceptance, and equality of all. It hope to facilitate both systemic and individual change – inclusive workspaces for PWDs while simultaneously fostering attitudinal change via conversations that shatter stereotypes.
These events would witness activities such as inclusive para-motoring, rock climbing, water sports, rappelling, and trekking. It aims to deepen its engagement with NGOs and social impact organizations working to empower PWDs in each of the cities, in the process engaging the Firefox Riders and Dealers in various cities.
Report based on Firefox Bikes statement.
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