Well-known social sector leader, Ranjan Mohapatra, Chief Editor of CSR Vision, a leading magazine on CSR passed away due to age-related illness on Friday night in New Delhi. He left for heavenly abode today at around 2.30 (August 6) am at his house at Lajpat Nagar, Delhi.
Prof. Ranjan Mohapatra was a noted CSR and Management Consultant, with about three decades of experience, spanning Corporate, Social, and Management Academics and Consulting. He established CSR Vision magazine.
He served as Chairman, VISION FOUNDATION for Development Management, New Delhi. He wrote various articles on CSR & Corporate Governance in Financial Express. He was President, VISION CONSULTING (Vision Corporate Management Consulting (p). Ltd.), New Delhi and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Riyadh).
He also served as an Adjunct Professor, EMPI Business School, New Delhi.
He was advising big corporations on the impact assessment of CSR strategies. He trained corporate managers (Public & Private Sector) on CSR through In-House and Open-House programs.
Dr. K K Upadhyay, Former head of the FICCI Aditya Birla CSR Centre for Excellence, says, “Prof. Ranjan Mohapatra was the Pioneer of CSR Domain of India by laying the foundation for CSR Policies in India, Government of India by having drafted the CSR Guidelines / Policies, leading to the mandatory CSR law and the CSR Base Strategy Paper for the World Bank. He was the Founder Chairman VISION Foundation (Policy Research Agency )and VISION CONSULTING ( Corporate Consulting Agency) and Publisher & Editor of CSR VISION, India’s first publication on CSR & Sustainability, published since May 2012.”
“Prof. Mohapatra had been advising and Training Corporate on strategic CSR to help them derive value from embedding innovative approaches to sustainability across their organisation and their supply chains Prof. Mohapatra had extensive experience of more than 35 years working with companies in India and abroad through (VISION CONSULTING, a corporate consulting firm) and NGOs and Government, UN Systems including The world Bank. (Through VISION FOUNDATION) on Governance & sustainability challenges, with particular expertise in the food, agricultural, utility, Livelihood, non-conventional Energy. He had worked with governments and the private sector to tackle the resource challenges of today and the future.”, he said
“An IRMA passout, he believed that PR industry is using CSR media as a free shop to get publicity for their clients. Prof Mohapatra ran and sustained CSR VISION for more than 9 years when most of the other publications in the domain shut down due to financial viability.”, Dr. Upadhyay further added.