Chakradhar Samaroh is not just a festival; it is an eternal, ever-moving celebration, a manifestation of Raja Chakradhar Singh’s artistic and spiritual dreams. It is the living symphony of the universe, a celestial harmony that intertwines the artistic and the divine, creating a universal and timeless celebration. It is the musical breath of the cosmos, the rhythmic heartbeat of existence, a sublime confluence of joy, art, and spirituality, where every moment is a divine note in the eternal melody of life.
The Chakradhar Festival, named after Raja Chakradhar Singh, is a vivid manifestation of his artistic vision, a living, breathing, and ever-moving canvas painted with the myriad colors of music, dance, and joy. This festival is more than a mere celebration—it is an eternal and harmonious symphony of life, a melodious confluence of happiness and spirituality, where the earth and sky become the stage for the divine play of celestial rhythms and melodies.
The Eternal Symphony
The Chakradhar Samaroh is like the ever-resonating divine music described by Kabir Sahib—it is an eternal celebration, a continual feast of joy, happiness, and light, unfolding not just on a terrestrial stage but in the boundless realms of the universe. It is the rhythmic dance of joy, the melodious song of bliss, and the radiant light of happiness that illuminate every corner of existence with the sublime vibrations of celestial music.

The Universal Celebration
Every flutter of a bird’s wing, every shimmer of golden rays, and every descent of the dawn seem to orchestrate a universal Chakradhar ceremony, where the entire cosmos participates in a grand symphonic dance. It’s when the moon, with its expansive wings of light, dissipates the somber clouds, and the night smiles gently, that the cosmos erupts into a jubilant celebration, reminiscent of the spiritual richness and celestial harmonies found in the Chakradhar festival.
The Harmonious Transformations
The Chakradhar Samaroh is the vessel through which our moments of joy are adorned in the shehnai of Ustad Bismillah Khan, and our soft laughter and profound sorrows are transformed into the flute by Pt. Hari Prasad Chaurasia. It’s the spiritual platform where our voices are filled with the divine tunes by the revered sage, Pt. Jasraj Ji, elevating our prayers to the Virat, the cosmic consciousness. From Buddha to Osho, enlightened beings have spoken about this inner music and rhythm, this eternal symphony that reverberates within our souls and throughout the cosmos, resonating in every Chakradhar ceremony.

The Element of Joy
The festival embodies the essence of eternal music, acting as an element of joy, always pulsating, always alive in the Chakradhar Samaroh. It is an ever-moving celebration of life, an unending carnival of artistic and spiritual ecstasy, where the boundaries between the terrestrial and the celestial blur, and every moment becomes a divine dance of cosmic harmonies.