While shopping with your credit card is all fun and exciting, it is essential to remember that it is not a payment system that gives you access to unlimited free funds. As a result, paying your credit card bill is critical. If you fail to clear the dues on time, you will be charged interest which would increase the outstanding bill amount considerably. Penalty charges and late fine will also be levied on your card if you do not pay your bill. Worse, it can negatively affect your credit score, which would put a question mark on your creditworthiness. Also, a continuous chain of missed payments can trigger the issuing authority to cancel your credit card.
The good news is that RBL credit cards, like most other new-age credit cards, offer a host of ways for paying your credit card bill quickly and effortlessly. Download the Finserv MARKETs App to know more.
RBL Bank Credit Card Payment Online Method
The RBL credit card payment can be made online using any of the below-mentioned methods-
RBL MyCard App
The RBL Credit Card Bill Payment can be made using the bank’s mobile app known as the RBL MyCard app. As the app already has all the details pertaining to your credit card stored, making payments using the app is easy and convenient. Open the app at the end of the billing cycle and go to the“Make a Payment” tab. You can choose to repay the bill partially or full and proceed to enter your payment mode information such as account number or UPI ID to complete the process.
You can opt to pay your credit card bill online via net banking. For this, you would need to register with the credit card payment facility, login and proceed to the payments page of the account. You can choose the specific financial institution you want to pay your bill from. You would be redirected to their institution’s page, where you would authenticate the transaction with your net banking credentials and OTP to complete the RBL Bank credit card payment.
The bill for your RBL credit card can also be paid using the NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) system. The system facilitates the transfer of funds online between financial institutions. For RBL credit card bill paymentvia NEFT, you would need to provide the credit card payee’s name as mentioned in the card, the account number or the 16-digit number credit card number, the bank’s name, IFSC code of the bank branch, and the location of the branch.
National Automated Clearing House (NACH) is an automated payment system that helps automatic crediting of funds towards outstanding payments, at the start of every month. You can opt to pay your credit card bills effortlessly by linking your RBL Bank Credit Card and the payee account with the NACH system.
RBL Credit Card Payment Offline Method
If you are one of those people who prefer the traditional means of paying your bills, you can proceed to do your RBL credit card bill paymentusing the offline mode. There are two ways to do so-
Paying cash
You can visit any RBL Bank branch that happens to be close to you and pay the outstanding bill on your credit card in cash. However, for cash payment at branches, you would need to pay a minimum processing fee of INR 100 per transaction.
Paying via cheque
In case you are not comfortable with cash payment, you can pay using cheques at any RBL Bank ATM. Remember to mention your credit card number and related essential details on your cheque when you drop it in the cheque drop box at the ATM. It would require three working days to clear the cheque and process your credit card payment.
Whether you choose the online mode of credit card payment or offline is based on your convenience, but ensure that you pay your bills on time so that you can reap the amazing advantages that owning a credit card offers.