As doctors, nurses, paramedics and several other frontline runners continue to help out people in this COVID-19 pandemic, there are certain communities facing a different problem in the state of a lockdown. Lack of food, amenities and essentials have made the situation adverse for daily wage earners, labourers and several other vulnerable communities. Hindustan Zinc is doing their bit to support and protect these communities. With an already extensive community outreach, the company has ramped up their initiatives across 189 villages and 6 districts in Rajasthan and Uttarakhand in a planned manner in partnership with the District Administration, their Partners and local community. The company is helping facilitate all government interventions with support of their implementing Project Partners.
Proactive measures have been taken and a definitive plan of COVID-19 Response Measures has been set up by Hindustan Zinc to minimise the risk of this pandemic on the communities. They have engaged their extensive network of stakeholders, including District Officials, Local Community Representatives, SHG Members, Union Members, etc to carry out these substantial response measures. The multi-fold plan involves support at district level, mainly in Udaipur, Bhilwara, Rajsamand, Ajmer and Chittorgarh percolating down to operational village areas.
The plan of action initially started with the health and hygiene initiatives, disinfecting areas by spraying & fogging with the pre-requisite Sodium Hypochlorite solution, providing medical gears like masks, sanitisers & personal protective equipment and specific technology equipment to prepare PPE’s. The relief was extended to the community in form of dry ration support to 25,000+ families, supply of food grains through District Administration and stitching & distribution of masks within these communities. To reach to the last level of the communities, Hindustan Zinc senior management is in direct connect with the community at grassroot level to better understand the immediate concerns and situation at hand.
With critical emphasis towards on ground delivery of essentials directly to the communities, Hindustan Zinc has engaged their SHG Women and Partners to stich & distributearound 1 Lac masks. To support the Administration & others, another 50 thousand masksare also being procured. This is coupled with distribution of over 7500 dry food packets to daily wage earners while generating a massive livelihood for and within these communities. These initiatives are directly benefitting Gram panchayats, District Administration, Police Officers, Media, Community workers, Asha Workers & Anganwadi Workers. Under the Khushi – Nandghar project, Hindustan Zinc has ensured that no child remains hungry in its areas of operations. The identification & outreach to vulnerable communities through Partners & Baselines has reached these 189 villages including over 2000 Severely Acute Malnourished children and mass awareness plans connecting aged patients were conducted through Smile on Wheels project.
Despite the lockdown, Hindustan Zinc has taken it as a responsibility to help out the community in this unprecedented time while ensuring all possible safety measures for its on-ground teams and the community members. The company continues to amplify their relief projects to daily wage earners, children, SHG Women and communities by actively engaging with all necessary authorities and abiding to all current state laws.