NEW DELHI: The Union Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Kalraj Mishra, launched the digital Employment Exchange for Industries recently. The Minister stated that the digital employment exchange is in line with the Prime Minister’s vision of Digital India wherein through this employment exchange for industries, job seekers can find employers and vice versa.
India has successfully come back today on track of economic progress and the Central Government has created an environment of growth and prosperity. Programs like Make in India, Skill India, Clean India have created a huge momentum to drive industrial growth and create employment opportunities for the millions of youth in the country.
The Minister while recalling his interaction with the industry stalwarts mentioned that industrialists have raised concerns of lack of skilled workforce not only for them but also for their suppliers, which are usually MSME units.
The Minister emphasized that large units who are dependent on MSMEs as suppliers need high quality output, which in the absence of skilled manpower results in non-competitiveness of MSMEs and Indian industry as a whole. In our country there has been momentum on skilling to reap the demographic dividend.
But unless, these skilled hands do not find the appropriate jobs and the appropriate employer, it will lead to frustration and skepticism to the entire skilling program of this country. Therefore, it is utmost important that these skilled hand get a platform where they can find livelihoods for themselves. Thus, this facility will enable industrial units find suitable manpower and job seekers find suitable jobs.
The Minister later urged all the youth of the country and the industry to make use of the Employment exchange for industry by using the website
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