Certification includes 27001 (Information Security Management Systems), ISO 22301 (IT Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity. Management Systems), ISO 27701 (Privacy Information Management Systems) & ISO 31000 (IT Risk Management Systems).
Hindustan Zinc Limited, India’s largest zinc-lead miner, has earned certification for integrated ISO systems for its IT systems. Certification includes 27001 (Information Security Management Systems), ISO 22301 (IT Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Management Systems), ISO 27701 (Privacy Information Management Systems) & ISO 31000 (IT Risk Management Systems). With these certifications, the company has entered an impressive list of businesses that adhere to the highest governance and control standards in the domains of Cyber Security, IT Risk, Continuity, and Privacy.
Throughout the unprecedented period of the Corona Virus, Hindustan Zinc has worked tirelessly to develop these frameworks. Despite this stumbling block, the certification was accomplished in a benchmark time of 6 months.
While tweeting on this, Arun Misra, CEO Hindustan Zinc said “Hindustan Zinc is now among an exclusive league of corporates with the highest governance & control standards in Cyber Security. We’ve been certified for an integrated ISO system accredited by Intertek & UKAS – United Kingdom Accredit Services.”
This makes us a privacy-certified organisation assuring our employees, business partners & customers of the privacy of their personal/ sensitive information. In our journey of digital transformation, Data Privacy remains to be a key priority.”, he said.
According to the Supreme Court of India, everyone has the right to privacy under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. Hindustan Zinc strongly supports this fundamental right and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of all stakeholders.
Privacy protection is currently one of the most frequently discussed topics in the world. The majority of countries have established privacy legislation and legal frameworks.
Few nations are currently in the process of establishing it. In line with this, India has proposed the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill, 2019, which is now in the draft stage with the Joint Parliamentary Committee.
The integrated ISO systems certification is provided by Intertek and accredited by United Kingdom Accredit Services (UKAS) Management Systems.
This milestone illustrates Hindustan Zinc’s commitment to protecting all of its stakeholders’ highly sensitive information.
With this accreditation, the workers, contractors, business partners, and customers would gain trust in the confidentiality of their personal sensitive information.
On the IT front, Hindustan Zinc has been a trendsetter, instituting a number of measures that limit access to available data to only those employees who have been approved.
The use or dissemination of personal data without authorization is highly prohibited by the business. It has also infused technological advancement across its supply chain operations which are known for its innovation.
With these certifications, the company has entered an impressive list of businesses that adhere to the highest governance and control standards in the domains of Cyber Security, IT Risk, Continuity, and Privacy.
(India CSR)