The count of registered companies in the country stood at over 21,87,026 lakhs at the end of 30th June, 2021 while more than 76,2654 lakhs have been closed due to various reasons, according to official data.
The latest data from the corporate affairs ministry also showed that 2288 companies were assigned dormant status as per the Companies Act, 2013; 6918 were under liquidation; 38800 companies were in the process of being struck-off.
Active in progress status is now invalid and companies under this category, lies under Active Status. Taking the above into account, there were 1376366 active companies as on 30th June, 2021.
Out of the 762654 closed companies, 11077 companies were liquidated/dissolved; 703556 companies were declared defunct (and hence struck-off after issuance of notice u/s 248). 27430 companies were amalgamated/ merged with other companies; 15716 companies were converted to Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) and 4875 were converted to LLP and dissolved.
Table-1.1 presents the summary picture of companies count as on 30th June, 2021.
Out of the 1376366 active companies, 1367496 were limited by shares; 8563 were limited by guarantee and 307 were unlimited companies. Out of the companies limited by shares, 66372 were public, 1262357 were private including 38767 one person companies.
Among the public limited companies, 6750 were listed.
State/UT-wise distribution of registered companies indicates that Maharashtra has the highest number of companies (428725), followed by Delhi (366131) and West Bengal (215629). Amongst ‘Active Companies’, Maharashtra has the maximum number of active companies (267536), followed by Delhi (218948) and West Bengal (133633) as on 30th June, 2021. (Table-1.3).
Economic-activity wise classification of active companies reveals that highest number of companies were in Business Services (434248) followed by Manufacturing (278229), Trading (176221) and Construction (111583).
Business Services comprise of Information Technology, Research & Development and other business activities such as law, audit & accounts and consultancy, etc.
One Person Companies
Up to 30th June, 2021, a total number of 38767 One Person Companies (OPCs) were registered with collective authorized capital of Rs. 1,260.92 crore. Economic activity wise classification of OPCs up to 30th June reveals that the highest number of OPCs were in Business Services (19610) followed by Manufacturing (4883), Community, Personal & Social Services (4856) and Trading (4547) (Chart 2.1).
During the month of June, 2021, a total of 826 OPC were registered with authorized capital of Rs. 29.77 crore. Economic activity wise classification of OPC during the month reveals that highest number of 335 OPCs were registered in Business Services, followed by 135 in Manufacturing, 123 in Trading and 107 in Community, personal & Social Services.
Trend of Registration of New Companies
An analysis of registration of new companies during June 2019 to June 2021 indicates that monthly registration of companies has increased after hitting lowest of 3209 Companies in April 2020 (Chart 3.1).
A total of 12722 companies were registered in June, 2021 as compared to 10954 in June 2020. An increase (16.55%) in registration of companies has been witnessed in June 2021 over the previous month (Table 3.1).
A total of 3940 LLPs were registered in June 2021 as compared to 2273 LLPs in June 2020 (Table 3.1).
12722 companies were registered in June 2021
During the month of June 2021, a total of 12722 companies were registered with collective authorized capital of Rs. 3,296.67 crore. Of them 12630 companies were registered as Companies Limited by Shares with authorized capital of Rs. 3,296.27 crore; (Table-4.1).
During June, 2021, 2521 (19.82%) companies were registered in Maharashtra, followed by 1325 (10.42%) in Uttar Pradesh and 1293 (10.16%) in Delhi.
During April to June 2021, a total of 10528 Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) were registered with collective obligation of contribution of Rs. 1273.76 crore. Economic activity wise classification of LLPs during April to June 2021 indicates that highest number of 3055 LLPs were registered in Business Services followed by 2004 in Trading, 1823 in Manufacturing and 1055 in Community, Personal and Social Services.
Foreign Companies
As on 30th June 2021, a total of 4162 foreign companies were registered in India, of which 3323 were active. During April to June, 2021, a total of 22 foreign companies were registered in India, 5 each in Maharashtra and Haryana followed by 4 in Tamil Nadu and 2 each in Delhi and Karnataka. Economic activity wise classification of foreign companies reveals that highest number of 11 were registered in Business Services followed by 3 in Finance and 2 each in Construction, Trading and Community, Personal & Social Services.