What is

Circular Economy

Circular Economy is a system of production and consumption that is restorative and regenerative by design. 

The use of resources in a manner that maximizes their value while minimizing waste and environmental impact.

Resource Efficiency


The minimization of waste generated by a company or industry through efficient resource use, recycling, and product design.


Waste Reduction

The management of a product from its design, through its manufacture and use, to its eventual disposal, with a focus on reducing waste and environmental impact.


Product Lifecycle Management

The collection, processing, and reuse of materials and products at the end of their life, reducing waste and preserving resources.


Recycling & Material Recovery

The use of environmentally friendly processes and materials in the manufacturing of products, reducing waste and emissions.


Green Manufacturing

The management of suppliers and the sourcing of materials in a way that minimizes environmental impact and supports sustainable practices.


Sustainable Supply Chain

The shift towards economic growth that does not rely on the extraction and use of finite resources.


Decoupling Economic Growth From Resource Use

The cooperation between companies, government, and other stakeholders in creating a circular economy and promoting sustainability.


Collaboration Between Industry and Stakeholders

The creation of an economy in which waste and emissions are minimized and resources are used, reused, and recycled in a closed loop.


Building A Closed-Loop Economy

The encouragement of individuals and companies to adopt more sustainable consumption and production practices, reducing waste and environmental impact.


Promotion of Sustainable Consumption & Production Patterns