IndiaCSR News Network
NEW DELHI: DLF Foundation’s waste management initiative “Kachre se Kamai” has been lauded by the Sarpanch and the members of Panchayat from different villages. Villagers of Hassanpur, Nawada Fatehpur, Kankrola and Dabaripur Village Gurgaon praised the initiative of DLF Foundation which not only helps them to manage their waste but also generates employment opportunities for them.
It was identified that the waste management and sanitation was a big problem in the rural areas of Gurgaon and nearby places. DLF foundation has implemented a waste management programme named ‘KACHRA SE KAMAI’ (Income from Waste) in Hassanpur Fatehpur, Kakrola and Dabaripur village. Besides the betterment of sanitation, it is linked to income generation of the particular areas.
DLF Foundation started this intervention programme in the year 2014 with an idea to create a sustainable solid waste management model. The program considers a cluster of villages as a unit of development. Depending on size of the population and geographical spread, a cluster comprises of 3-5 villages for integrated intervention. DLF foundation has identified quality of life indicators through community consultations and need assessment in all the clusters.
The programme comprises of intensive mobilization and sensitization activity to make people aware about the issue. The message being given out by the project is ? Garbage can also be put to use if disposed properly. Garbage collection carts bring the waste to the waste management center and it is segregated thereafter. Biodegradable waste is collected daily and is disposed of either by feeding it off to cattle’s or by composting.
The compost collected is given to the villagers by the Panchayat at subsidized rates for various usages. The money raised would then get deposited in the Panchayat fund, to be used for development of the area. Households are also being given a modest sanitation fee by the village Panchayat to give them a sense of ownership and oblige them to participate in the project. DLF Foundation has appointed 2 personnel and a cart for every village who collects garbage from door-to-door.
Gajraj Singh, Sarpanch, Nawada-Fatehpur Village said, “We are really thankful to DLF Foundation for initiating this program in our village. This initiative not only has helped us to generate employment in the village but has also turned our village and surrounding more clean and hygienic.”
“80% of the waste collected from the 312 households are recycled or turned into manure which is then sold and an amount of Rs. 24085 / month is generated. The project provides a monthly financial benefit to the panchayat of about Rs. 5085/ month which thus the project not only has a social and environmental impact in the community it also accounts for different economic impacts on the community,” said Mewa Devi, Sarpanch, Kakrola Village.
Bhanwar Singh, Sarpanch, Hassanpur Village, said “This initiative has helped our village in lot of aspects. It has helped in changing the behavior of the village as well as making the people aware about the economic importance of the waste and how they can earn from the waste produced in their households”
Ratan Yadav, native Hassanpur Village said, “Kachre se Kamai has given me employment opportunity in my village itself. I don’t have to go out to seek employment leaving my family. I personally feel that technology that we use in Kachre se Kamai is very easy. I could easily learn it in a short span of time and started working with it. “
Rambir Singh, Sarpanch of Darbaripur Village, said “We saw DLF Foundation’s Kachre se Kamai program going on in our nearby villages. The program was running successfully in the other villages and therefore we also approached DLF foundation to initiate the same in our village as well. We are very happy now because within 2-3 days Kachre se Kamai will start in our village also. “
The Main aim of this programme is to create infrastructure facilities for collection, segregation and disposal of solid waste. Secondly, to inculcate behavioral change of the community towards solid waste management. Besides that, their aim is to facilitate employment generation among youths and inculcate the community ownership under the village panchayat.
The project was implemented in phases to ensure sustainability and developing a self-sufficient model. A participatory working approach is used to carry out the project which effectively contributes to the longevity of project and leads to waste reduction in the area. The model works on the system that for five odd months DLF foundation will manage the program and then in later the ownership was given to the Village Panchayats. The model was also appreciated by Haryana government officials.
The benefits achieved by this intervention were, the employment generation for the youth, ascetic beautification of the village, better living conditions. Moreover, the initiative constantly promotes hygiene and sanitation practices among villagers.
Same process will be followed and the ownership will be transferred to the panchayats of the following villages over the span of time. DLF Foundation will be taking “Kachre se Kamai” to pan India in the coming year, with a vision to make the rural areas self-dependent. After the success of this model of waste management, different villages of Gurgaon and nearby areas have approached DLF Foundation to implement this model in their village as well.
“We are very contended with the overwhelming response from the villages. I thank the Sarpanch and the Panchayat people for their support. This has boosted our morale and we plan to take this initiative further and reach out to as many villages as possible. I believe that other Corporates should also come forward for the development of rural areas.” Said, Lt. Gen. Rajender Singh, CEO, DLF Foundation.
Ritiesh Sinha, Head Village Cluster Development Program, DLF Foundation said, “We have been working on this issue of waste management for a year now. Our focus is to ensure sustainability and develop a self-sufficient model. I believe that our Prime Minister’s dream project Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan will be successful, if we manage the waste properly and efficiently.”