DHENKANAL: GMR Kamalanga Energy Limited (GKEL) has undertaken number of livelihood transformation activities in Mangalpur Panchayat. Improving agricultural productivity has been at the forefront of the GKEL livelihood enhancement initiative.
Improved but low cost agriculture practices that have the potential to enhance crop yields were like SRI (System of Rice Intensification) in paddy, vermi compost, and groundnut in Rabi season introduced.
GKEL in its endeavor had brought 500 acres of land on banks of the Brahmani River under groundnut cultivation in the Rabi season last year by providing quality seed, training and market linkage etc. and this time it is very optimistic to cover more than that. Working with nearly 500 farmers, GKEL motivated farmers, shared its knowledge of advance agricultural practices, provided seeds and farm implements according to needs so that cultivation work can be undertaken successfully to support the livelihood of marginal farmers.
Last year 60 farmers adopted SRI method in paddy and earned good income and so it is hopeful that more farmers shall adopt this method this year. Introduction of potato cultivation and market linkage for groundnut are some of the important steps taken in last year.
GKEL’s CSR professionals have been working sincerely to build capacity among local farmers by imparting skills improvement training.
Farmers were also provided training and inputs (seeds, fertilizers and agriculture equipment) to undertake maize, vegetable, green gram and black gram etc.
Input supports provided for cultivation of vegetables in backyard kitchen gardens so that women contribute monetarily to the household earnings without stepping out the house.
Lemon, mango, papaya and teak plantation is being encouraged in backyards by providing saplings and required technical knowledge. GKEL has also helped to improve the earning capacity of women SHGs by supporting mushroom cultivation. GKEL has provided substantial support to several families for goat, poultry and duck rearing and pisciculture in individual as well as community pond.
Last year farmers who have adopted SRI method in paddy cultivation, received about Rs.2000/- extra income per acre of land. Fish farmers harvested about Rs.5000-6000 from half acre. Groundnut farmers could be able to sell groundnut at the rate of Rs. 41-42 per kg and earned about Rs.4000/- profit per acre.
Community has been linked to Govt. subsidized programs under agriculture, fisheries to obtain seed, equipment etc.Vocational training has been provided to 200 unemployed youth and women from land loser families on computer basics, electrical trade, repair of mobiles and air-conditioners.
Four candidates have been sponsored to take up short term employment link vocational courses on electrical trade, catering and Food preparation etc. At the GKEL run Tailoring Centers, women are engaged in production of garments and fancy products which are being sold locally as well as outside market. GKEL has extended hand-holding support to its trainees so that they effectively leverage their training and make their livelihoods sustainable.
Supports provided by GKEL to small individual entrepreneurs like saloon, cycle repair shop, washer men, making mixture, tiffin shop, laundries, sewing machine etc.to strengthen their activities and earn better income.
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