KORBA : On the occasion of The World Malaria Day, Bharat Aluminium Company Limited (Balco) and The District Health Department, Korba put up a Malaria Camp at The Primary School in Village Makhurpani. 70 needy people registered for the Camp.Blood Slides were prepared for 35 residents.
One patient suffering from malaria was given free medicine. The Medical Officers educated the villagers about the use of mosquito nets and about maintaining hygiene in day to day life. Dr. H.D. Dahare, District Nodal Officer, Dr. Dilip Sahu from Vedanta Rural Hospital which is run by Balco, T. S. Pulast, Lab Technician from Korba P.H.C., Shaukat Ali and Ram Krishna Tanvar from Malaria Department,Rajesh Jaiswal, Rural Medical Assistant, Khemraj Sahu, Lab Technician and Nagendra Sahu were actively involved in the Malaria Camp.
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